Whether you’re an employer of two or thousands, a property owner leasing space, or just need to hire a good sitter for your child, there’s absolutely no reason to blindly take a candidate’s word on their character and qualifications when background checks are easy, accessible, and conclusive. If you’re not taking advantage of this tool, then let’s look a couple of reasons why you should on everyone you do business with today.
Top Three Reasons Background Checks Should Be Standard Due Diligence In Your Business Dealings
1. Identify Authentic Candidates
Do you remember the movie “Catch Me If You Can” where Frank W. Abignale, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, successfully poses as everything from a doctor to an airline pilot? Well, that was based on the escapades of a real-life con artist.
Anyone can ‘say’ they have any qualifications they’re capable of spelling out on a resume, even long ones like an MA in Social Sciences and Comparative Education with a specialization in Comparative/International Studies.
Doing business with or hiring candidates without the caliber and degree of training and experience necessary creates innumerable problems – from legal violations and negligence lawsuits to loss of productivity and hits to brand reputation.
Imagine the reactions of your client when they find out your supposed expert hairstylist’s experience and education are actually the sum of playing with Cabbage Patch dolls in mom’s basement. Goodbye, reputation and clientele.
2. Identify Conflicts Of Character
Even if a candidate is qualified, it doesn’t mean that their character is the right fit for your needs. A running shoe may be made for running, but it only works if it has the right characteristics for your foot.
Without the information of a background check, you have no way of knowing about the person’s criminal and arrest history, which tells you a lot about how they may or may not fit in with your own culture.
If they have a history of fraud or theft, do you really want this person handling your money, having access to accounts, or being responsible for paying you rent?
Do you want to expose those you do business with or employ to someone with a history of workplace violence or sexual harassment?
This person could have an extensive history of drug and alcohol arrests, the last of which was a week ago. Do you want them driving your child around as a babysitter? Is entrusting them with a company car a wise move? How would it look if a female employee found out you sent her off on a business trip with a convicted sex offender?
Without due diligence when it comes to verifying new hires are safe matches for a workspace or living space, you’ll likely be answering such questions sooner rather than later. It puts everyone involved in potential harm’s way, and that can be a serious liability and reputation loss issue for you.
3. Poor Choices Are Hard To Correct
Legal restrictions often make references all but useless. We’ve already established a candidate can simply lie about their professional qualifications and personal life on paper without a checks and balances system.
Once you lease to someone, hire them, or otherwise engage in business agreements with them, it can be a costly and time-consuming process to both get rid of them and replace them with a more appropriate choice once their actions demonstrate they were actually a very poor choice.
In fact, even if you’re an at-will employer who can easily get rid of an employee, you’ll still pay for firing them through unemployment insurance benefits. And, if they decide to sue you based on a discrimination claim, you can be looking at a long and costly legal battle.
In closing, these are just three of the many reasons that background checks should be the standard operating procedure for all involved in your business. Everyone has something at risk, whether it be moral, trust, reputation, safety, or money when they skip such a necessary step in due diligence. Don’t get left holding the bag of responsibility by not vetting who you involve in your business.